JavaScript Development with Docker and Make
Handling modifiers in CSS
Most CSS methodologies have a mechanism for handling modifiers to a module/component. BEM has its modifier syntax:
SSL errors with Elixir on Ubuntu
The Elixir language website has instructions on how to install Elixir on Ubuntu, however following those steps may lead to future errors when trying to install some Erlang libraries.
An Opening and Closing Ordered List in CSS
Earlier this year I was asked if it was possible to replicate an ordered list that could be opened and closed that worked down to IE8…
Vagrant synced folder not updating
Vagrant has a problem with synced folders when using the VirtualBox provider (actually it is a VirtualBox problem).
Setting up a Local Development Environment with Vagrant and Puppet
CSS Animations in Chrome with ‘Experimental Web Platform’ enabled
Adding ‘similar products’ tracking to Google Analytics E-commerce
Sometimes you may want to store additional information in Google Analytics for E-commerce transactions. This post will detail one way of doing so for a ‘similar products’ feature, however, this solution can be adapted for other types of information.